Video WONDERLAND >>> español-inglés

Katarzyna Rogowicz (Poland, 1971), multidisciplinary artist and illustrator of children’s literature. Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts from the University of Murcia, Diploma of Graphic Design and Illustration at Murcia School of Arts and of Artistic Fabric at People’s University of Warsaw (POLAND). WONDERLAND is one of her latest creations, displayed in winter 2013 in Espacio Patico; it is the result of a woman alone against all universal FEARS around the female figure … WONDERLAND is an explosion of feelings, of feverish creation and personal searches. A collection of pieces and interventions inspired by an idea, “Once upon a time, the adolescence, I lived for a long time among the monstrous and the beauty” and a story. Real life experiences and fiction drawn from Lewis Carroll’s «Alice Adventures in Wonderland», fed back inside her and led to the creation of 9 boxes-cards and other original pieces, with the unmistakable hallmark of the author. A metamorphosis, a constant change of identity and self-knowledge. A living exhibition that reflected the Katarzyna’s personal language and her permanent need to fuse fantasy and her own reality. A rich and raw reality. Which she explores fearlessly, without encumbrances, without cowardice. The content of this exhibition and its assembly were awarded with the Prize «Exhibition of the Year» at La Culturería Awards 2013.
[Mamen Navarrete by EspacioPático]

MINUTEROS Volkringer&Rogowicz



MINUTEROS Volkringer&Katarzyna

Rogowicz & Volkringer

Pásate por EspacioPático (C/San Lorenzo nº5 en MURCIA)

y prepara tu más original REGALO NAVIDEÑO.
Dibujo y retrato fotográfico. (Por tan solo 50 €).
En exclusiva los días 9 y 10 de Diciembre de 17 a 19h


Datos técnicos: Fotografía – Impresión de alta calidad tintas pigmentadas sobre el papel de algodón 100 %, 290 gramos.
Dibujo (original) a lápiz, plumilla y tinta china + acrílico azul.

1000 visitas :) ¡ Felicidades: video KASIA !

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El video KASIA, superó 1000 visitas!
Felicidades !!! Damián Rubio y Mamen Navarrete Jiménez by Espacio Pático
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